5 Rules When it Comes to Your Mission Statement
Whether you are a large company, big business, product based, service oriented or a personal brand, one thing that holds true for any business: HAVE A CLEAR MISSION YOU WORK TOWARDS EACH AND EVERY DAY.
The Best Networking Advice No One Ever Tells You
This week we're talking a lot about your networking and your village---and why both are incredibly important. Growing your network is only half the battle, knowing how to utilize it to your benefit, AND reciprocate is the other half.
While it is obvious to ask people for coffee lunch, drinks etc. sometimes the etiquette surrounding the ask and the follow through can be a bit murky. Check out the best business advice no one ever hares---and make it a goal try it out as soon as next week.
Top Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business
As an entrepreneur for over a dozen years, running + selling Bump Club and Beyond AND now Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing + Consulting, I will tell you: I've made my fair share of mistakes. But I'm here to save you from making the same ones.
How to Handle Social Media During Social and Societal Discord
Many of you have asked me when to do right now when it comes to social media and your brand.
I will say one thing: I do not have the answer because there isn't one.
No one wrote a handbook for how to handle or approach social media when dealing with many of the issues we face in today's world. Here are some important steps to consider when deciding WHAT to do.
5 Ways to Make Sure You’re Found on Instagram
Instagram can be a vast and overcrowded space, but there are a few very simple steps you can take to make sure that not only you're found, but that you are discovered by the right people.
5 Tips to Consider When Starting Your Community
Would you ever believe that this amazing community I'm speaking to here started with just three things: an email, my pregnancy story, and a little bit of courage?
Integrity and Transparency
Transparency and Integrity. From the minute you become an entrepreneur, no matter what it is that you actually do, these two words become intertwined. These two words become the pillars of your every day. These two words become the functionality of your existence. Without them and without upholding them, your brand is nothing.
Quick Tip: Five Ways to Share One Piece of Content
The number one pain point you come to me with is that there is not enough time in the day to manage all of the content for social media. But I have a secret for you…
6 Female Founded Brands Revolutionizing Clean Beauty
Even though we celebrate Earth Day in April, every day should honestly be Earth Day. Today we have our friend, award-winning entrepreneur and female business advocate Lindsay Pinchuk, back sharing with us SIX TEXAN FEMALE FOUNDERS who have created some incredible sustainable, clean beauty brands to make our lives safer and healthier---while also making us look great all year round.
Send the email…THAT email
If there is just ONE step you should take when you launch (or re-launch) your business...let it be this.
6 Creative Ways to Ask for Help
Often times, new businesses don't have the funding to hire a full time team to do everything that you need to get done. Hence---the reason why so many founders wear so many hats. It's the truth, isn't it?
But you don't need to have deep pockets and big budgets to get help. When you're starting out and when you're bootstrapping a business, you just have to be scrappy and get creative.
Here are six ways to get the help that you need....
5 Reasons to Show Up for Your Brand
I started and built my first company, Bump Club and Beyond, based on one thing: My life as a mom. I showed up and shared EVERYTHING. In doing so, I CONNECTED with others who were going through the same things. I connected with them and then they showed up as our customers. At the time I didn't realize I was even doing this.
When you show up for your brand---on social media, in emails, at events, on your blog there is a VERY important reason in doing so: CONNECTION.
5 Easy Ideas for Business Collaborations
A collaboration doesn't have to be difficult to implement. There are so many easy ways to expose yourself and your brand to new customers. Here are five ideas...
Network, Network, Network
Never underestimate the power of the people who are right in front of you. In this week alone I've had a half a dozen opportunities (all different kinds!) come out of simple networking conversations. Whether it's today or ten years from now, the world put them into your orbit for a reason.
So many of you ask me for best practices for networking...and here are my top tips:
Texan Women Making History
Over the last two years we've seen many women pivot and shift not only taking on the many roles needed to keep their life and their families lives moving in the right direction, but we've also seen more women embracing the flexibility the pandemic provided as a vehicle to achieve their own dreams. We have some Texas based females making history as we speak.
5 Ways Women Can Support One Another
Even if you are not a business owner, we, women, can still support each other in every way possible. This is a notion that runs through my DNA and truly, there is nothing on this planet better than watching others succeed, especially when you help to boost them up just a little along the way.
Midwestern Women Making History
Over the last two years we've seen many women pivot and shift not only taking on the many roles needed to keep their life and their families lives moving in the right direction, but we've also seen more women embracing the flexibility the pandemic provided as a vehicle to achieve their own dreams. We have some Midwestern based female founders making history as we speak.
The Power of a Partnership
Never underestimate the power of the people who are right in front of you. Last week alone I've had a half a dozen opportunities (all different kinds!) come out of simple networking conversations. Whether it's today or ten years from now, the world put people into your orbit for a reason. So many of you ask me for best practices for networking...and here are my top tips:
Content is Queen: 5 Steps to Start Your Content Strategy
If you're not creating content as your primary source of revenue, this process can seem daunting. BUT, it is so incredibly important because if done correctly, your content strategy will have residual impact on the revenue you create from your primary source of revenue. Here are five steps to get started…
5 Ways to Make Your Business Legit
When you start a business and begin to take money from others in exchange for goods or services, it's important that you treat your business the way you want others to treat it too. If you want people to take you seriously, it's important that you make it legit so that others do as well.
Here are 5 simple steps to take to legitimize your business: