5 Ways to Make Your Business Legit

Today when I was scrolling I checked out the bio of someone I'm following and noticed that even with 1.1MM followers it said: To work with me, email firstname@gmail.com.

Really? 1.1MM followers and you're using a gmail for collaborating? 🔺🔺🔺 You don’t want to be doing business with a public domain. If you have a legit business, you need to have your own email, even if it is just your own name.

When you start a business and begin to take money from others in exchange for goods or services, it's important that you treat your business the way you want others to treat it too. If you want people to take you seriously, it's important that you make it legit so that others do as well.

Here are 5 simple steps to take to legitimize your business:

1 .Pick a name. Even if it's just your name. Name your business. Know this, you can name your business and if you decide to make a change later you can file a DBA ("doing business as.") When I started Bump Club and Beyond, my parent company was called "Chicago City Moms." I came up with the BCB name after and we filed a DBA. That way I could conduct business under either name.

2. Buy a domain with your business name that includes an email package. Set up the email and conduct your business from that account, not from a public domain like @gmail @yahoo or heaven forbid...@aol.

3. Set up a POS (Point of Sale) system if you are selling a product, or even services to the masses. You can use a system like @clover or you can use @square or stripe. Even with @venmo and @zelle, there are tax laws now for collecting payments through these services. But if you have an actual business, don’t ask someone to Venmo you.

4. Start to track your sales and your expenses through accounting software. I love @quickbooks. It's critical to understand the money coming in and the money going out. Invoice clients and get paid on time. Don't keep it on a spreadsheet.

5. Incorporate your business. Bottom line---this is the most important. Make sure you talk to a financial advisor to figure out the best classification for you and your family. Yes, you will be paying taxes, but there are so many benefits too.

CLICK HERE and grab my free guide, complete with my favorite tools, for starting your business. Make sure that you’re following me on @lindsaypinchuk where I share tips like this every week.


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