Integrity and Transparency

Transparency and Integrity. From the minute you become an entrepreneur, no matter what it is that you actually do, these two words become intertwined. These two words become the pillars of your every day. These two words become the functionality of your existence. Without them and without upholding them, your brand is nothing. ⁠

Being an entrepreneur is tough. You are tested often and pushed to the limits even more often. You find yourself in tough situations and often times have to ask yourself many questions: ⁠

What is best for me? ⁠
What is best for my brand? ⁠
What is best for my partners?⁠
What is best for my customers?⁠

And what is best for one, may not be best for the others.⁠

Sometimes you will find yourself in very perplexing situations trying to figure out the answer. Without a doubt, you will find yourself here one day and it will be hard. ⁠

But no matter what, regardless of the situation at hand---⁠
never losing a sense of yourself and what is important, AND being up front, honest, and fully transparent with everyone involved will be the reason why people want to keep working with you.⁠

Integrity and transparency. Transparency and integrity. Ultimately, these are the two principals that will keep the lights on, keep you in business, and keep you going for a long, long time. ⁠

And PS, these two keywords don't just apply to entrepreneurship, they apply to anyone in business and in life.


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