5 Easy Ideas for Business Collaborations

One of the best and easiest ways to grow your brand , your community and your awareness is to partner with others who share a similar target customer with you. It’s no secret that the first company I built grew from the start through partnerships. First with retailers and fitness hubs, then with experts, brands and eventually through large scale partnerships that even included some incredible celebs. This is a strategy I've implored here with my new business as well.

A collaboration doesn't have to be difficult to implement. There are so many easy ways to expose yourself and your brand to new customers. Here are five ideas...

  1. Interview someone on your website or your social media. You can do it Q&A style, live--whatever works. But tag them AND ask them to share. Who doesn't like a little bit of free exposure?

  2. Share discounts with someone in your space. Introduce them as a friend across your platforms and let your community know that you've secured a great discount for them on their products. They can do the same.

  3. Ask another company to hold an event in their space. This is how I built my first company---right from the start. I also spoke to @louisasereneschnieder Founder of @heyrowan this week for @dearfoundher. She also shared how she got her business started hosting ear piercing parties with other retailers. @iamshellybell, Founder of @Blackgirlventures, held their pitch competitions in @wework locations early on. When you hold an event in someone’s space, ASK THEM to please share it with their customers, as of course you will be sharing it with yours. That way, everyone wins.

  4. Takeover each other's social media stories for the day! This is a great way to showcase who you are and what you do and to allow for another similar community to spend the day with you!

  5. Guest on a podcast! Can you think of another medium that will allow you to share your story for upwards of a half hour? Find some podcasts in your genre---they exist big and small---and both provide great opportunities for exposure.

The one key for any partnership is that both parties should benefit. When that occurs, so many doors are open. Partnerships are one of many topics we'll discuss in greater detail through my FoundHer Confidential membership.

Did you like these five ideas? Well, I have about two dozen more where these came from. Make sure that you’re following me on Instagram so that you don’t miss more tips and tricks from me to help grow your business.


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