Send the email…THAT email

If there is just ONE step you should take when you launch (or re-launch) your business...let it be this.


Sounds easy enough, right? But guess what? SO MANY OF YOU...and SO MANY OF YOU WHO I HAVE ASKED...have not done this. (Keep reading…I’m sharing the exact email I sent out in September to my network.)

Your network is your BEST WOM, your BEST critic, your BEST support. And if you haven't taken this's never too late. Here is what you should include....

  1. Tell them what you are doing. Why you are doing it. And how. Is it a product, a service? Use your elevator pitch and share it.

  2. Ask them to follow you on social media. All platforms and link them to make it easy.

  3. Share your opt-in for your email list. Ask them to subscribe. You can't just add people, they have to op-in.

  4. Ask them to keep you (or your product) in mind for current or future work. You NEVER know when the opportunity will arise for them to reach out to you.

  5. Ask them to let their networks know---pass along your email or share your business when or if they hear about someone who could use it.

  6. Leave the door open for feedback. Your network is your first proof of concept. Let them share their thoughts with you.

Here is the email I sent out, feel free to modify it for your own use!


I hope that this finds you well! First and foremost, I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone receiving this email who has been so supportive of me and my recent career decision, as well as everyone for championing me and my work throughout the last eleven years with BCB. I know that I could not have done it without each and every one of you.

I am proud to say I took some downtime over the last two months, but now I am ready to get back to work. While I have been preparing for this since the early spring, I truly have been working towards this throughout my entire career.

I am excited and eager to announce that moving forward I will be working as a consultant, partnering with businesses both large and small to help them tell their story, build their audience and community, and ultimately, to grow their brands. Additionally, I will continue to share my expertise as a parent and entrepreneur on TV and through the press as I've lent my expertise to 200+ TV segments, 40+ podcasts, and numerous articles since 2010.

As of last Friday I have three new clients and will of course be looking to take on more in the coming weeks and months. Currently I am working with each client in a different capacity: one is building a community and membership, one on social media strategy and one on creating a personal brand to launch a second phase of a career. I am building custom solutions to help businesses grow their brands.


As many of you have asked how you can continue to support me that answer is easy:

Feel free to let anyone who can benefit from my partnership know what I am up to. This is anyone who needs help in marketing, branding, content/social media or overall business strategy. Referrals are the greatest compliment you can offer a business owner. :) Over the coming months I will be sharing some more exciting news and will also offer solutions for small businesses.

So stay tuned....

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Thank you in advance for your continued support. I look forward to connecting again soon!

Lindsay Pinchuk

You will reap the benefits of this email for months after. I am STILL getting outreach from the one I sent in September when I launched Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing + Consulting. Sending an email lets your network know what you are up to, why you are doing it, and leaves the door open for some of the greatest support you'll ever receive. Don't miss this opportunity.


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