6 Creative Ways to Ask for Help

NOTE: You can hear me talk more about this topic in a recent BONUS episode of the Dear FoundHer…podcast. CLICK HERE to listen to me describe these ideas with more context.

Often times, new businesses don't have the funding to hire a full time team to do everything that you need to get done. Hence---the reason why so many founders wear so many hats. It's the truth, isn't it?

But you don't need to have deep pockets and big budgets to get help. When you're starting out and when you're bootstrapping a business, you just have to be scrappy and get creative.

Here are six ways to get the help that you need....

Hiring help doesn't have to cost you a fortune. Here are SIX ideas and ways that you can get the help that you need to grow your business:

  1. Find a Co-Founder: This idea isn't for everyone. However it's something I often wished I had done when I started my first company. As someone who was a creative and marketing/sales oriented, having someone early on to handle finances and operations would have been a nice compliment to my skill set.

  2. Go the totally opposite direction as above and hire a student or an intern. Often you can find young professionals who are just starting out who want experience or a resume building opportunity. You have to remember though---you have to PUT TIME into an intern in order to get what you want out of an intern.

  3. In today's working world there are so many people who want flexibility or will work part-time. Today in my stories I'll talk about how I hired a part-time Controller. So many women want to come back into the work place after kids, or want to take a step away from the work place to be with their kids. FIND THESE PEOPLE and hire them to complete projects and tasks you cannot.

  4. Find someone who you can trade services with. Help them with a project in exchange for them helping you.

  5. Again, another idea not for everyone. But, if you're going to fundraise, or really scale your company, paying a team in equity from your company can serve multiple purposes. Not only will you get the help you need, but you also will have a team who is invested in your brand. Just make sure if you go this route you hire a lawyer to help.

  6. Your community is already invested in what you are doing, start off trading your product or service, as you grow you can pay them increasingly more. Join me today at 12pm CT LIVE right here for more!

So many of you often share stories with me about not being able to do it yourself, or being overwhelmed. This is absolutely a real part of being a founder. But honestly, you don't have to be. You just have to stop for a second, assess the situation and get creative with how you solve it.

Also, you have to remember...all you have to do is ask for the help. What's the worse someone says? No?


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