Lindsay Pinchuk Lindsay Pinchuk

Give Yourself the Gift of a Break

Taking a pause, giving yourself some time to rest, recharge, and get your creative juices going after the end of the year madness is the BEST gift you can give yourself. This week's tip is for EVERYONE as we are ALL guilty of not taking time for ourselves.

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Lindsay Pinchuk Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Rules When it Comes to Your Mission Statement

Whether you are a large company, big business, product based, service oriented or a personal brand, one thing that holds true for any business: HAVE A CLEAR MISSION YOU WORK TOWARDS EACH AND EVERY DAY.

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Entrepreneurship, Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk Entrepreneurship, Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk

Integrity and Transparency

Transparency and Integrity. From the minute you become an entrepreneur, no matter what it is that you actually do, these two words become intertwined. These two words become the pillars of your every day. These two words become the functionality of your existence. Without them and without upholding them, your brand is nothing. ⁠

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Entrepreneurship, Women in Business Lindsay Pinchuk Entrepreneurship, Women in Business Lindsay Pinchuk

Network, Network, Network

Never underestimate the power of the people who are right in front of you. In this week alone I've had a half a dozen opportunities (all different kinds!) come out of simple networking conversations. Whether it's today or ten years from now, the world put them into your orbit for a reason.⁠ ⁠

So many of you ask me for best practices for networking...and here are my top tips: ⁠ ⁠

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Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk

The Power of a Partnership

Never underestimate the power of the people who are right in front of you. Last week alone I've had a half a dozen opportunities (all different kinds!) come out of simple networking conversations. Whether it's today or ten years from now, the world put people into your orbit for a reason.⁠ ⁠ So many of you ask me for best practices for networking...and here are my top tips: ⁠ ⁠

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Women in Business, Entrepreneurship Lindsay Pinchuk Women in Business, Entrepreneurship Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Ways to Make Your Business Legit

When you start a business and begin to take money from others in exchange for goods or services, it's important that you treat your business the way you want others to treat it too. If you want people to take you seriously, it's important that you make it legit so that others do as well.

Here are 5 simple steps to take to legitimize your business:

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Lindsay Pinchuk Lindsay Pinchuk

The best gift you can give yourself this season…

The last two years have been like no other we have ever experienced, all aspects of our lives have blended together as the world around us changed. So now, take a second. Breathe. Because you want to be ready for 2022 and all that it has in store. Here are five tips for making time for yourself over the next two weeks.

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