The best gift you can give yourself this season…

Taking a pause, giving yourself some time to rest, recharge, and get your creative juices going after the end of the year madness is the BEST gift you can give yourself. The last two years have been like no other we have ever experienced, all aspects of our lives have blended together as the world around us changed. So now, take a second. Breathe. Because you want to be ready for 2022 and all that it has in store. Here are five tips for making time for yourself over the next two weeks:

  1. Set your clients' expectations. Be up front, communicate with them, and provide a clear plan for pre and post holiday deliverables. Also, make sure you're up front about your plans to check in and/or be available. Let them clients know that you plan to take some time off over the holidays. Make sure to deliver anything time sensitive before you take off, and let them know that you'll get them what's next when you return. Also, be sure to communicate if you will be checking email and how often, in the event they need to reach you.

  2. Schedule your social media for the next week or two if you can. The more you can schedule ahead of time and automate for posting...the better. This is where all of my social media tips and tools come into place , you can grab some more tips and check out my favorite tools here. Don't forget, most of the world is on break---you can go easy on your original and new content. A few ideas: re-post or do a countdown of your top posts or content pieces from the year, grab some funny memes, share other posts from accounts you love (tag them!). Over the last few days of 2021...make sure to post a recap of the year and a wrap up.

  3. Turn on your OOO. Theis really should need no explanation. JUST DO IT. That's right...many of you probably have never done this....but turn it on. This way, if someone reaches out to you and needs something, they know you are taking some much deserved time.

  4. If you have to work, schedule it into your day and try not to let it interfere with holiday or family plans. And some of you most definitely have to and will. But if you must, try to schedule the time on your calendar and work during those times. This way you can still enjoy the down time with your loved ones.

  5. Whatever you decide, STICK TO IT. You don't get this time back. When you condition your team and your clients to think that you are always working...they expect you to always be working. Set parameters for the holidays and hold to them. It's a good time to recondition your clients or your customers or your community---especially going into the new year. Set parameters for the holidays and stick to them. It's hard to stop and pause and do something for yourself. But, you deserve this. We all deserve this. Follow through on the promises you make to yourself...and the rules.

Taking time off when you have your own business is HARD. But remind yourself that you deserve this. We all deserve this. Part of why you started your own business was to set your own rules. So make sure you follow through on the promise...and the rules. This will be the greatest gift you give yourself in 2021.

Did you find these tips helpful? Tell me which ones you’ve used and which ones are working for you! I would love to hear your success stories. Many of you have asked more from me to help grow your business. In early 2022 I’ll be holding my first small business workshop. I would love some feedback as I create the curriculum as I plan to bring you EXACTLY what you need to help your business grow. Please take a second to fill out this form.

Please follow @lindsaypinchuk on Instagram for more small business tips and for news as to when my podcast, Dear FoundHer is going to drop in January.


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