Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk

6 Ideas for Social Media in December

It might be the "most wonderful" time of the year, also the busiest, right?

And while social media is INUNDATED with ads (for a whole lot of stuff you don't really need) it's still important that you're showing up here, and on other platforms, and sharing consistently.

But the question is, what should you post? Here are six ideas I'm sharing with my clients right now...that will carry you to 2023...

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How to Handle Social Media During Social and Societal Discord

Many of you have asked me when to do right now when it comes to social media and your brand.

I will say one thing: I do not have the answer because there isn't one.

No one wrote a handbook for how to handle or approach social media when dealing with many of the issues we face in today's world. Here are some important steps to consider when deciding WHAT to do.

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Marketing, Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing, Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Reasons to Show Up for Your Brand

I started and built my first company, Bump Club and Beyond, based on one thing: My life as a mom. I showed up and shared EVERYTHING. In doing so, I CONNECTED with others who were going through the same things. I connected with them and then they showed up as our customers. At the time I didn't realize I was even doing this. ⁠ ⁠

When you show up for your brand---on social media, in emails, at events, on your blog there is a VERY important reason in doing so: CONNECTION.⁠ ⁠

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Social Media, Marketing, Entrepreneurship Lindsay Pinchuk Social Media, Marketing, Entrepreneurship Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Easy Ways to Create More Engagement on Social Media

You've heard me say it before, and you will hear me say it time and time again. You have to be SOCIAL on social media. But you may be wondering...HOW? ⁠ It's important to show up and create conversation in order to generate more engagement. The more engagement you have (on any platform) the more success you will have there too. Here’s how…

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Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk

How to get your Instagram account back from hackers (step-by-step instructions)

PART 2: How to Get Your Instagram Account Back if it’s Hacked (SPOILER— it has ZERO to do with Meta customer service.)

When my Instagram was hacked this weekend there was virtually zero customer support from meta/Facebook/ @instagram to get it back. A friend of mine (@danaivy), unfortunately had gone through this and found a way to get it back. And it worked.

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Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk

How to protect your Instagram from hackers

PART 1: How my IG was Hacked and How to Protect Yourself and Your Account so this Doesn’t Happen to You

This weekend my IG was hacked and hijacked. This is probably every business owner’s worst nightmare and while I never believed it could happen to me, it did this weekend.

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