Lindsay Pinchuk Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Rules When it Comes to Your Mission Statement

Whether you are a large company, big business, product based, service oriented or a personal brand, one thing that holds true for any business: HAVE A CLEAR MISSION YOU WORK TOWARDS EACH AND EVERY DAY.

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Marketing, Women in Business Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing, Women in Business Lindsay Pinchuk

The Best Networking Advice No One Ever Tells You

This week we're talking a lot about your networking and your village---and why both are incredibly important. Growing your network is only half the battle, knowing how to utilize it to your benefit, AND reciprocate is the other half.

While it is obvious to ask people for coffee lunch, drinks etc. sometimes the etiquette surrounding the ask and the follow through can be a bit murky. Check out the best business advice no one ever hares---and make it a goal try it out as soon as next week.

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Marketing, Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing, Social Media Lindsay Pinchuk

5 Reasons to Show Up for Your Brand

I started and built my first company, Bump Club and Beyond, based on one thing: My life as a mom. I showed up and shared EVERYTHING. In doing so, I CONNECTED with others who were going through the same things. I connected with them and then they showed up as our customers. At the time I didn't realize I was even doing this. ⁠ ⁠

When you show up for your brand---on social media, in emails, at events, on your blog there is a VERY important reason in doing so: CONNECTION.⁠ ⁠

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Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing Lindsay Pinchuk

The Power of a Partnership

Never underestimate the power of the people who are right in front of you. Last week alone I've had a half a dozen opportunities (all different kinds!) come out of simple networking conversations. Whether it's today or ten years from now, the world put people into your orbit for a reason.⁠ ⁠ So many of you ask me for best practices for networking...and here are my top tips: ⁠ ⁠

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