5 Tips to Make Your Content Work for You

You're overwhelmed with all the content you "need" to put out into the world. Between Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok AND all of the various Instagram posts, reels, stories, etc. you have a lot of ground to cover.

Start with ONE piece of content and put it to work. Each week put up one piece of content on your website or blog and then use it to create multiple pieces of content. Check out how that one piece of content can work for you...

Solution 1: Create multiple feed posts on Instagram. Think about all the ways that you can make a feed post from that ONE piece of content. Use an image with a long form caption, pull a quote from the content with a call to action, create a carousel, like this one here. The options are endless.

Solution 2: Post the article to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. As a thought leader you need to get your thoughts out into the world. Simply post the link with a short explanation to both your Facebook (personal and business), LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts.

Solution 3: Make a video. Make a short 2-3 minute video summarizing the piece of content. Think about all of the places you can then USE that video: Instagram videos, Facebook (another post!). LinkedIn (another post), YouTube.....and more...

Solution 4: Talk about your piece of content and what it is about in your stories. Spend 1-2 minutes talking about the content (just as I am going to do with this piece of content here!). THEN, use the LINK sticker to link to the post and invite your community to click through for more.

Solution 5: Email it to your database. Create a weekly newsletter surrounding the piece of content. Give a tease and of course LINK to the post!

Streamlining your content leads to a few awesome outcomes: you won’t feel all over the place, you’re smart and efficient, and truly, ONE piece of content can help you to reach SO MANY MORE people across all of your platforms. Think about all of the ways you can put your content out into the world….these five tips are truly the tip of the iceberg.

DO YOU WANT MORE TIPS? Click this link for six more of my favorite social media tips.


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