Dear FoundHer… with Rachel Gillman Rischall

Dear FoundHer… 

Networking is an art form that every founder should master. My first business, Bump Club and Beyond, was built on networking principles, which are connecting and sharing. These two pillars are at the heart of what networking should be about, but there is a second principle rarely discussed - persistence.  

We struggle with persistence because we don't want to appear assertive, pushy, or needy. But being persistent is the only way to move your business forward. This week on the Dear Founder Podcast, my guest Rachel Rischall, Founder of Three PR, is joining me to share her story on the benefits of being - what she calls" pleasantly persistent.” YOU CAN LISTEN HERE.

As Rachel shared with the community, "I'm kind of amazed that people are uncomfortable asking for things-but I get it. [However], my entire job in PR is asking for things that people don't necessarily want to do; I'm very comfortable from a polite yet persistent vantage point of trying to get things moving by requesting something." 

Building a community with like-minded people isn't just to ask for things but also to be a benefactor. In this week's episode, Rachel and I discuss how being Pleasantly Persistent and tapping into her network and contacts helps in all facets of her career.  

As always, more to come,


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