You asked for it…

The last three months have far surpassed any expectation of what life would look like after departing from Bump Club and Beyond. As many of you know, I started my first company to build connections: with other parents and parents-to-be, with resources and information, and among the community I served every single day. A large reason why I left was because I felt I really wasn’t doing that anymore….but I had a fire inside of me that wanted to do it again.

As I continue to find my way with every new day, you teach me more and more about what it is you need from me: business support, social media and content tips, marketing tips and most important—-you want to know that you’re not alone. And I promise you, you’re not.

While I have and continue to take on clients—-both individuals building new brands and existing companies and corporations looking to accelerate, YOU have continued to tell me the same thing over and over since I embarked on this journey.

And because you asked, I am here to share that in early 2022 I am going to launch my first small business marketing workshop. I will continue to go live 1-2x per month in the DearFoundHer…Facebook Community, but if you’re looking for a little more from me in a more formalized way (think regular discussions, workbooks, info sheets, and helping you to move the needle on your business)…there is something for you coming.

As I work to finalize what my first workshop is going to look like, I would LOVE to hear from you. More than anything, I want YOU to tell me what it is you’re struggling with and how I can help you to navigate solutions in order to find business success. If this seems like something you’d be interested in being a part of, I invite you to take a few minutes to let me know and answer a few questions.

While this by no means commits you to anything, anyone who says ‘YES’ right here will get first dibs on the registration when it goes live. I’m planning on keeping this first one pretty small so if you even THINK you might be interested….get on the list.

I’ll be sending you more info after the holidays!


Female Founded (Chicago) Holiday Gift Ideas


Female-Founded Gift Ideas, ATX Edition