5 Ways to Support Small Business…RIGHT NOW

You don't have to buy a thing from a small business to be their champion. Let me explain.

Small businesses rely not only on your purchases but often your support to help get the word out about what they do. Their customers, supporters, communities and loyalists are their best, biggest and most effective word of mouth marketers.

Most small businesses don't have huge marketing budgets, so even if you're not making a purchase from them RIGHT NOW, but you love what they stand for, you can still support them in a HUGE way.

Here's how:

  1. Write a positive review: Yelp, Google Reviews, Facebook, or even on their podcast if they have one. Most people only talk about bad experiences, but if you have a good one, SHARE IT! These all help tremendously as others seek out their services and in the case of a podcast, a review helps so others see them.

  2. Follow them on social media: This is a HUGE one. It costs you nothing but means everything to a small business. All you have to do is hit the LIKE or FOLLOW button and truly---you've made someone's day.

  3. Give them a shout out: Share their IG profile or a post in your IG stories. Share something they've put on Facebook with your followers. Make a quick comment about why you think they're so fab. (Make sure you tag them so that they see!)

  4. Engage with their posts: You can even take it a step further. The more engagement a brand sees on their posts, the more social media shows their posts to others. So take a second---if something resonates with you, like it, comment on it, share it! DM the business to let them know!

  5. Sign up for their newsletter! This is a big one. You may not need something from them now, but one day you might---and it's important to stay in the know about what they have going on. There is no better way than to have their news coming directly to your inbox so that you don't miss a thing.

Did you find these reminders helpful? If so, tell me, what do you do to support small businesses today and every day? What are your favorite small businesses to support? If you’re a small business, make sure to share this with your own community and ASK them to support you in this way. Don’t forget, never be afraid to be direct and to ask for support. You would be surprised by how much that ask will be received.

Please follow @lindsaypinchuk on Instagram for more small business tips and for news as to when her podcast, Dear FoundHer is going to drop in January.


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