5 Pieces of Advice for Female Founders

A week ago, my friend and fellow female founder, Charlie Saffro, made a post on LinkedIn sharing some of her best advice for female founders. I added more in Charlie's comments, to which Charlie added: You need to start your own thread of advice like this.

Which brings us to an entire episode of Dear FoundHer... filled with pieces of advice from my own experiences as a female founder.

  1. Have patience. Know that success does not happen overnight. It takes time. Often there are years of hard work and grind behind every success that you see.

  2. Perception. Know that your perception of others, their businesses and successes is not always reality.

  3. Be unconventionaldon’t be afraid to color outside of the lines and not follow the “guidelines.”

    Do things YOUR way.

  4. Expect the unexpected. You can have a game plan or a blueprint—but things never go as you think they are going to go or as you want them to go. You have to be flexible and be willing to pivot when necessary.

  5. Reinvest. Reinvest in your business in order to free up your time for bottom line growth.

While there really is no blueprint for founding, growing or selling a business, I do hope that these pieces of advice give you a lot to think about as you grow your own business.

For 12+ more pieces of advice where these came from, make sure you listen to today's episode of Dear FoundHer... wherever you podcast.


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